100 +Top Tips For Understanding Business Finance

(4 customer reviews)

Paperback: £12.99

Author: Matthew Harris

Available in print edition and e-book.

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This book has been written for those who want to understand more about business finance.

This book will help YOU in the following ways:

  1. To understand the language of finance;
  2. To be able to work more effectively with your finance colleagues;
  3. To drive business growth through knowledge of the primary financial statements and key ratios;
  4. To understand your company’s stakeholders and how they view financial performance.

Written in a “snappy” bullet point style allows you to find key answers right away.

You are likely to be one of four types of people:

  1. Working in a company with some financial responsibilities;
  2. Developing your career towards becoming an executive;
  3. Starting up your own company;
  4. Interested in understanding business finance so that you can work more effectively in your role.

The Author:

Matthew Harris

Matthew Harris is a qualified chartered accountant and award-winning director, with over 20 years of corporate experience in the UK and US. He has held senior finance roles in several major companies, and has also been an Executive Director of a listed PLC. Today, Matthew has a portfolio career: he has established his own training and development business which is working with clients to deliver programmes that support strategic growth and closer working between finance and non-finance teams, as well as being a trustee and a non-executive director.

100 + Top Tips For Understanding Business Finance


ISBN 978-0-9934658-9-5

4 reviews for 100 +Top Tips For Understanding Business Finance

  1. ian.munro@100toptips.com

    A really excellent book if you want to get knowledge about how finance works in businesses large and small

  2. Julie Parmenter

    A fantastic book for anyone wanting to understand the fundamentals of Business Finance. Well written and a good pace of learning.

  3. J Rankin

    wish I had access to this 20 odd years ago to help promising commercial high flyers understand how it all works because they really did not understand a P&l or balance sheet. Probably still don’t !!
    Excellent tool to educate junior finance and commercial staff to improve understanding.

  4. Li Chen

    Excellent book, really helpful!

  5. ian.munro@100toptips.com

    Thanks for your comment IanM

  6. ian.munro@100toptips.com

    Thanks and sorry this went into spam

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